Benefits of Green Remodeling

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Benefits of Green Remodeling

A green home is good for the environment, but it’s also very good for you. While you’re doing your part to make the world a cleaner, better place, your whole family will enjoy the benefits of greater energy-efficiency and a healthier, more comfortable home.

Save Time & Money
Green homes save money! The US Department of Energy reports that insulating the basement walls can save between $250 and $400 annually alone, and even something as small as changing an incandescent light bulb with an Energy Star rated one can save $30 in energy over the lifespan of the bulb! Once you’ve remodeled the entire house- including the walls, floor, windows, and lighting- with a green design in mind, the savings can be enormous!

Overall green remodeling proves to be very beneficial for homeowners.

Reduces operating costs in the home by increasing efficiency
Increases the value of the home
Reduces waste
Increases productivity of occupants
Save time and money by no demolition
Reduces emissions costs
Improves quality of life

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